Our 2023 Theme is
Myth, Moon & Magick
In the creation of our future, chaos prevails, separation & exclusion are the narratives within the distortion of our world. No more waiting to be rescued, no knight in shining armour, to leave it up to 'others'.
It is You, it is Me, it is Us
It is within that you hold the rumblings of your destiny, your unique self, your truth. It is your sacred responsibility to be who you are, who you were born to be.
Just like the stars above, the sun & moon, they all shine in their own way & so do you.
You know we LOVE to Dress to Impress & this year is no exception!
Think, headdresses, sparkles, glitz & glamour, find YOUR unique flavour
Stars, Sun, Moon, the Zodiac & the Cosmos
Aries |
Taurus |
Gemini |
Cancer |
Leo |
Virgo |
Libra |
Scorpio |
Sagittarius |
Capricorn |
Aquarius |
Pisces |
The Pioneer, Wayshower, Initiator, Agitator
The Sensualist, Healer, Venusian, Goddess
The Messenger, Muse, Student, Shapeshifter
The Nurturer, Mother, Psychic, Water Witch
The Queen, Protector, Performer, Creator
The Healer, Madien, Herbalist, Artisan
The Peacekeeper, Lover, Judge, Seeker
The Magician, Alchemist, Strategist, Dark Goddess
The Explorer, Philosopher, Wanderer, Freedom Seeker
The Boss Bitch, Teacher, Wise One, Inventor
The Rebel, Visionary, Cosmic Queen, Innovator
The Artist, Dreamer, Mystic, Mad one
Vision, Create, Explore... Pinterest
Use your Imagination Women... Pinterest, Esty, Op Shops.
Gather your Sista's & make a day of it. Feathers, Faux Fur, Sparkles & hot glue guns.
No doubt there will be a lots of laughter along the way.